I think just about everyone would agree that this was a pretty tough year. If you had told me ahead of time that half of the things that happened this year would happen, I would have said you were crazy. It’s pretty easy to focus on the negatives of the year, so I thought instead I would try to focus on some positive things that happened this year, because there were plenty. Here’s to looking back on some of the best stuff from this year:

Four Day Beard Self Titled Album Released this past April
I am proud to have finally pulled it all together for an official release in April. The album is a collection of songs truly from the heart. Inspired by difficult times over the past several years, writing these songs served to keep me sane along the way. Many thanks to Brian Herndon who co-wrote “East Texas” and played a variety of instruments throughout the album. Also, many thanks to Karim Elgobashi who shredded on guitar on several tracks. The album is available on iTunes and Spotify and just about everywhere else you may stream music from. There are still a few CD’s available also, you can get those here!

New Time’s Music Award
And as if releasing the album weren’t enough on it’s own, the second song from the album won 2nd place in this year’s New Times Music Awards’ “open” category. I was a little surprised that this song has been so well received. It’s really cool and interesting to see what songs people connect with. It was truly an honor to be included among all of the great musicians awarded at the NTMA’s. I couldn’t be more thrilled.
NewTimes is San Luis Obispo County’s news and entertainment weekly and does a great job of covering local music and supporting local artists in the community.

New Friends & New Music!
After almost a full year of searching for local musicians to play with in 2015, I finally managed to find an amazing group of musicians here in the SLO area.
Not only have these beautiful bastards taken on the task of learning and adapting the songs from the album to play live, but have been collaborating on some new music that I am super excited about. We are currently working on recording some new tracks and will probably have a new EP ready early next year.

Selfie with Merril
I met Merril Garbus from tUne-yArds at NAMM in January and totally fanboyed her.I am a big fan of tUnE-yArds and was super excited to meet Merril. She was as gracious and lovely as you might expect, and posed for a selfie with me. If you havent heard tUne-yArds do your self a favor and check them out on spotify or youtube. If you love tUne-yArds like I do, they have some great merch over at the tUne-yArds online shop.

Random Parade
I dusted off the fretless bass to contribute to a track on Random Parade’s EP “The Void Above” released earlier this year. The song is called “Startrails”. You can listen to it below!
If you like the sound of “smoldering post punk, indie gloom rock” and bands like Joy Division, Interpol, Peter Murphy, you should give Random Parade a listen over at their bandcamp page.
I am trying to lure them up to SLO to play some shows, or head down to southern california some time next year to play a show with them. Buy an album, or a song or a tshirt from their bandcamp page. They are making cool music. Support Independent artists!
The best for last…

I proposed to, Sarah, the love of my life on Valentines day this year. Those of you who know us probably said, “It’s about damn time” as we have been together for 13 years. longer than a lot of marriages.
Sarah continues to challenge and inspire me, while giving unwavering love and support. I’m thinking this thing could last. 🙂
We are having a small wedding in Cambria, CA next spring and I couldn’t be more excited.
May next year be a little kinder to us all, and may we all keep sight of the great things that happen even when things feel like the worst! Happy New Year!